Friday, February 5, 2010

Another product review- 2 biore products, to be precise!


I'm back with another product review!  I am going to review two Biore products- the Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub and a product I believe to be available mainly at Asian places- Men's Biore Nose Strips. 

Here's the scrub

The pack of nose strips

Scrub:  I love the way this stuff SMELLS! Smells like melon!   However, I kind of don't like how it's not THAT sandy for a scrub.  You do feel some sand, but I think it could be a little grainer for those with more blackheads.   Still, rinses easily and you do feel clean and a bit of a tingle after it rinses off.  I recommend this for people who have light blackheads, like myself.  If you have severe blackheads, I'd recommend something more powerful.

Strips: Don't let the name fool you. What makes them "Men's" is the fact that these strips are bigger, made for bigger noses.  For me, they extend onto the outer edge of my T-zone so I can grab the buggers from my inner corners of my cheeks too.   I also think this is a mainly Japanese marketed item.  I get mine on Ebay or at  my local Japanese market.

Do they work? You betcha! I even tried them on a friend of mine with severe nose blackheads and we couldn't believe the stuff that got lifted out of there! Also tingles while it works to clean out the pores.   I highly recommend these for anyone. I use them on my chin too, when I get blackheads there. 


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